We at the PLATANISTA hotel are proud to be a TRAVELIFE sustainable hotel taking responsibility of our impacts on the environment, out employees and the local community including:
Complying with the local legislation and requirements
Setting objectives and targets, measuring our progress and reporting our achievements
Preventing pollution and minimizing the risk of using hazardous substances
Minimizing the use of energy and water and increasing our recycling efforts
Increasing the awareness of our valued guests and employees
Working with our suppliers to embed sustainability practices
Complying with the legal legislation and human rights legislations and regulations
Respecting our employees and their culture, equally, regardless their age, disability, nationality, sex, race, religion and sexual orientation
Ongoing training and professional development for all employees
Allowing then to join Trade Union and discuss employment issues
Local community
Employing people from the local community
Maintaining a close relation with our local community
Purchasing goods and services from the local
Encouraging our employees to volunteer for activities and other activities organized by the local community
Making regular donations and charities and also encourage guests to support such actions
Protecting children from all forms of abuse and exploitation by working with the local authorities
Kostas Platanistas
October 2016